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Vorugantisri's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Vorugantisri's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Hi all,

e-learning module if properly not prepared it is waste of time and resources .so it should be learners friendly and it should be easily understandable and provide the learner to learn in a easy manner and easily accessible through providing basics module

1 point

Hi ,

I think e-learning is too long,not engaging and very inconvenient for users

0 points

Hi everyone,

Cheating is everywhere and e-learning is no exception. But finally the learner who cheats e-learning is loser finally gains no knowledge and experience

1 point

Good evening all,

e-learning have both advantages and disadvantages but it is virtual and it is not cost effective .needs more time for more days.resources are also expensive.

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