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0 points

K P joshi sir

You cannot compare medical field with other industrial fields.

We are dealing with humans.



1 point

Shilpa ma'am

totally disagree with your first point that E-learning enables us to quickly create and communicate new policies, training, ideas and concepts.

It takes lot of time in designing

1 point

NO role of part time students in medicine either at UG/PG level

1 point

Tanuja ma'am

Electronic devices to assist disabled learners.Can i know what kind of disability ma'am.

Treatment by video conferencing is not yet legal ma'am.



drprashanth(15) Clarified
0 points

Dr.Aleemuddin sir

I agree with your statement that "Students do not see e-learning as replacing traditional instructor-led training but as a complement to it, forming part of a blended-learning strategy".

And especially in medicine the role of e learning is minisicule.



drprashanth(15) Clarified
1 point

Suhasini ma'am

Do you really think that it is practically possible!!!!!

1 point

In a study titled "A Comparison of E-Learning and Traditional Learning: Experimental Approach" the following was found out that the mean scores of students under traditional learning seems to be higher comparing to the E-Learning. A further class size comparison in each semester was suggested that smaller size would reflect higher difference of mean scores of students between E Learning and traditional learning. Both of online and offline programs have a lot in common but they have different aspects as well. A student may personally think E-Learning is better choice because of the flexibility in schedule and the comfort and convenience of learning from home. It provides 24/7 accessibility for students who have time management problems. This means that students need to take more responsibility for their own learning.However, E-Learning has not been all positive. E-Learning methodology has a lack of social-interaction, and it depends on the Internet communication with high cost. “Technology is only a facilitator; it can not replace the teacher.” There is still a need to investigate how E Learning can be better designed for successful delivery and what kind of students are well suited for this E-Learning methodology. Furthermore,the findings from interviews suggested that E-Learning would fail for the following factors: the high cost, Internet connectivity problems, students’ computing ability, and maturity of students. And students in traditional class proposed to have a slight improvement in the students’ achievement by using a blended of E-Learning facility, such as blog, chat room, E-mail and E-store (contents and assignments). In addition, Students suggested having a small class size.

My understanding of the study is

E learning suits medical education in a very limited way.

In traditional learning students benefited from small size classrooms, which is also a benefit for the faculty, which requires more number of faculty.

At the same time more stress on e learning may be a THREAT FOR THE STRENGTH OF FACULTY. As automation is effecting lakhs of jobs in other skilled and semiskilled areas.

In my opinion e learning should be very limited and


drprashanth(15) Clarified
0 points

e learning is never a one time affair. It takes more to maintain the system and upgrade it from time to time. It is definitely a costly affair.

drprashanth(15) Clarified
0 points

Vidya ma'am

I have already given explanation for this point

drprashanth(15) Clarified
1 point


I absolutely agree with you that technology has increased in these ten years. But we don't know how much cheating has increased/decreased proportionally , we cannot assume that cheating has decreased.

Plagiarism checking software's can be cheated/fooled by adding synonyms, which is again very rampant.

The level of cheating in online entrance exams is altogether very different.



drprashanth(15) Clarified
1 point

Satish sir

Thank you for accepting that it is adjuvant to conventional teaching.I think you are more than happy for the adjuvant status to e learning.

drprashanth(15) Clarified
1 point

Flexibility in clinical , Surgical skills & attitude is not there satish sir.

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