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1 point

Dr Ramani mam

There may be no motivation from instructors/teachers or peers for some students as the basic education from primary school days is dependent on the teacher. The students may tend to postpone or neglect learning for days or weeks. Practical skills needs to be performed by them and learnt in a better way than by just watching a video. It is aptly said “I remember if I do.


Dr Nirmala D

Acme 2017

1 point

Dr Vidya mam,

e-learning can be used along with traditional learning, but cannot replace it as pointed out already. yes I agree we are communicating, but the reply may not be on time when it is required to be answered immediately.


Dr Nirmala

ACME 2017

2 points

My points to the debate No e-learning is a waste of time and resources.

1) Absence of personal interactions with facilitators/teachers, peers for any clarification of doubts / explanation.

2) Difficult to manage time as web searching consumes lot of time to access the required information.

3) Not an ideal method to learn practical skills.

4) Difficult to conduct assessment due to lack of sincerity.

5) Leads to lack of socialization.

6) Clinical skills are not learned effectively.

7) Heavy use of web costs both time and money. Hence e-learning is a waste of time.

Dr Nirmala D

ACME 2017

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