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Rama_mopuri's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Rama_mopuri's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Dear all,

I would like to share my views on e- learning which waste of time is.

1. At the undergraduate level the learner is supposed gain sound knowledge

Theoretically and practical skills need to be shown and have to performed by the Candidate. By gaining information from the e-learning cannot make him complete doctor.

2. Developing oral communication skills is not possible which is the most important quality that need to be acquired over a period of time to interact with patients.

3. Many students securing seats are from poor economic background. They cannot afford to pay monthly net charges. College can support to some extent but unless the student has his own resources he cannot continue independently. This makes few students only to gain skills in e-learning. So to bring the uniform knowledge gaining and sharing will be difficult.


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