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3 points

Prashanth Sir,

The main advantage of e learning is that it is self paced. This has the advantage for slow as well as fast learners. Slow learners need not get anxious with failures.

Indeed it is more flexible as concerned to content, pace, time and place.

It is updated faster than conventional. Infact in conventional teaching , it is taken from textbooks which definitely fall behind the current information.



ACME 2017

3 points


I differ with your points on e learning.

Infact in conventional learning, Teacher is like a leader who is Know-all.

But infact in e learning, the mentor is with you by the side. We need not imagine always virtual classrooms, go further with direct online discussions.

Learner is indeed satisfied once he gets all the information what he wants and not restricted to what teacher wants to deliver.

In e learning, learners are actively partcipating. They infact develop more analysing capacity and think before they write!!



ACME 2017

2 points

Dr.Geeta I strongly disagree with your points.

How do you really ascertain that the learner is listening in classroom teaching??

When the learner chooses for e learning, he will definitely have high motivation and self confidence so that he will get the information what he wants. Information is shared and not only delivered as in classroom teaching.

You can make the learner sit in class but cannot force him to concentrate!



ACME 2017

2 points

With due consideration of the points, I would like to disagree with Latha mam.

It is infact not at all time consuming. The main strength of e learning is to save time and easy access whenever and wherever it is needed.

E learning definitely provides unique learning experience according to individual needs and preferences. It does not depend on the performance or need of the other fellows as in classroom teaching. Each individual can go at their own pace and according to what they need.

All students are well versed with technology, they like and they do get information from internet even today. Information is enormous and not at all static. All can learn and progress as they want.



ACME 2017

5 points

Dear ACME family of Co-learners,

I am Dr.Vidya.S.Patil from ACME 2017, and here are inputs to Debate for the motion “E-learning is the Need of the hour” for Thread 1.2 of E learning

E Learning presents a ton of advantages over traditional formats of training. This fact is even more so true for busy professionals, who are pressed for time and responsibilities.

Here I put forward my points in favor of E –learning

Reduced instructor supervision leads to increased student autonomy, and let’s not forget that online learning is all about individualized learning. This is the leading difference and advantage of eLearning vs traditional learning. The learner experiences a one-on-one, tailored instruction that is not possible in the traditional environment. A shift from a curriculum-centered to a learner-centered environment makes eLearning a winning proposition.

The quality of discussion might also prove to be greater than live discussion, simply due to the fact that we reveal more and form better ideas, when we write.

The digital revolution and smartphone boom has triggered huge changes in how we access, consume, discuss, and share content. Naturally, learning is following suit. Whilst many want learning at a point of need, many learn in evenings and at weekends and on the way to or from work.

A key advantage to getting your learning online and multi device is that it ensures you are in sync with modern learners - delivering the type of content they want, when they want it. Get learners on-side, and you're more likely to get the results you need. Plus, digital, self-paced learning can be accessed at point of need, not somewhere else - like a classroom far away - so employees can apply what they've learnt straight away.

Studies on e learning and evidence found in Kineo case studies have made it increasingly clear that e learning has the following positive benefits for learners:

• better attitude toward the e learning format and training in general

• improved scores on tests, certifications or other evaluations

• increase in number of learners who achieve ‘mastery’ level and / or ‘pass’ exams

• greater ability to apply the new knowledge or processes on the job

• better long-term retention of information

By providing an alternative to the paper-based learning and testing of traditional classrooms, e learning is an effective way for organisations to significantly reduce their carbon footprint.

A study by the Open University found that on average, the production and provision of distance learning courses consumed nearly 90 percent less energy and produced 85 percent fewer CO2 emissions per student than conventional campus-based university courses.

The key areas in which e learning lowers an organisations’ environmental impact are as follows:

• cuts down on the travel and accommodation costs associated with undertaking a course

• reduces the need for a campus site and the accompanying costs of maintaining the facility and equipment

• eliminates the need for paper, thus saving trees

At a time when change is faster than ever, a key advantage of elearning is that it has quicker delivery cycle times than traditional classroom-based instruction. In fact, research indicates that e learning reduces learning time by at least 25 to 60 percent when compared to traditional learning. E learning cuts down on the training time required because:

• it does not take as long to start and wrap up a learning session

• learners set their own pace, rather than the pace of the group

• no travel time is needed to get to and from training events

• learners can focus on elements of a programme they need to learn and can skip what they already know

Our participation in this new endeavour of debating online so comfortably and easily putting our view points at our own pace and enough time to interact, itself favours e-learning and we are also able to see the results of our debates concurrently on the screen. Amazing area of e-learning, nothing to stop it as benefits definitely outweigh the lacunae!!

Good Debating going on!! Thank you all.



ACME 2017

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